Friendly Reminders for Website Visitors

Gentlemen,due to number of visitors on my website screening is required to verify your purpose .

For website visitors local & international please must read ff:

  • Auto-kicked if refusing to read my details
  • Auto-banned IP address wiithout legit business purpose
  • Auto-kicked if refusing screening process for health security purpose.
  • Auto-kicked if refusing screening process to general verification
  • Auto-ignored if you asking multiple question without checking my website details
  • Auto-blocked and kicked those ramdomly chatting on my messenger without official business
  • Auto-kicked if there’s existing live chat limits.
  • Auto-blocked posers & scammers
  • Auto-blocked fake hotel guest
  • Auto-blocked requesting ramdon photos & video calls without legit business purpose
  • Auto-ignored if not applicable clients.Sorry for standard requirements.
  • Will be added more terms depends on my encountered latest issues.
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